2014 Jenco Award Recipient – Gary Goosman
Gary Goosman serves Appalachian Ohio in his day job as the Director of Senior Programs Division at the Corporation for Ohio Appalachian Development (COAD). But, Gary’s service to his local Athens County community goes far beyond his daily job responsibilities. For that service to his community above and beyond what is expected, Gary was recognized with a 2014 Jenco Award.
When the Federal Hocking School District put the old Amesville Elementary School up for auction, Gary saw a unique opportunity for the Amesville community. Recognizing the need for jobs and economic development in Amesville and in the region, Gary and his wife placed a bid on the former Amesville Elementary School. After the two of them cleaned up the old elementary school, an additional 10,000 square feet of usable space became available in Amesville.
The space in the former elementary school became the Amesville Community Resources for Entrepreneurship (ACRE). ACRE provides resources and space to develop and support enterprises in Amesville and Appalachian Ohio. ACRE provides funding, expertise, and workspace for entrepreneurs creating new businesses. New business owners and entrepreneurs benefit from workshops, seminars, and classes held at ACRE as well.
Gary is currently in his first term as a mayor of Amesville. In this role, Gary has gone far beyond the typical role and expectation of a mayor. While in office, Gary has led the way to get an updated sewer system in Amesville, to digitize records, to conduct a local environmental and health assessment in partnership with Ohio University, to build a new shelter in Gifford Park, to participate in regional planning efforts, and to pursue electric aggregation for the Amesville community.
Gary’s everyday leadership in the service of others shows just how much one person can do to serve their community.