Donor Spotlight

Donor Spotlight

Jo Ellen Diehl Yeary | Generosity rooted in pride, remembrance, dedication to home

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I’m a Child of Appalachia® Network

Appalachian Ohio is a vast and diverse region encompassing 32 counties, and yet the Foundation’s donors share common ground. They understand generational poverty and under-representation, and are frustrated by the misconceptions sometimes plaguing Appalachian Ohio’s image.

This knowledge makes them even more proud of a place they hold dear — even more determined to unleash the potential they see within our citizens and communities.

The Foundation developed the I’m a Child of Appalachia Network to help our donors work together, to accomplish greater results than would be achieved working alone in their efforts to champion the region.

Through the Network, each gift multiplies and their support makes the Foundation’s work to create opportunities for our region’s citizens and communities possible. With as little as a $32 gift in honor of our 32 counties, anyone can join the I’m a Child of Appalachia Network and its commitment to growing philanthropy across Appalachian Ohio. Many go a step further, giving time and talent to activities instilling pride and confidence among the region’s citizens, like the annual I’m a Child of Appalachia® Celebration, making the term Child of Appalachia a badge of honor.

As a member of the I’m a Child of Appalachia Network, you become part of a community that cares about Appalachian Ohio’s future. That’s why the Foundation keeps you updated throughout the year with reports, newsletters, and our I’m a Child of Appalachia Celebration where we together celebrate citizens who are giving back to our region.

When your gift joins with the gift of other Network members, we bring Appalachian Ohio’s citizens closer to a region full of possibilities.




Join the I’m a Child of Appalachia Network with a gift today.


Separate the myths from the truth about the I’m a Child of Appalachia Network icon-angle-double-right


The Foundation for Appalachian Ohio has encouraged our region’s young people to believe in their ability to succeed through the I’m a Child of Appalachia Writing Contest. As Henry Ford said, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right.”

Through the positive conversation prompt of the Writing Contest, aspiration-building conversations took place in classrooms across the region, helping to instill the mindsets and confidence necessary for success.

We hope you enjoy reading winning essays from Appalachian Ohio’s students below. They are filled with creativity!