Donor Spotlight

Donor Spotlight

Jo Ellen Diehl Yeary | Generosity rooted in pride, remembrance, dedication to home

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It’s simple. Our donors create opportunities because they make our work possible.

Anyone can become a part of our work to turn generations of poverty into a future of prosperity. We invite you to learn more about some of our donors who have shared their stories with us – why they give, how they work with the Foundation, and what they are making possible through philanthropy.

What you will see is that each of our donors is different, but they give through the Foundation for Appalachian Ohio because we are able to help them build a charitable legacy. Together, we can make a difference.

Learn more about how you or your business can join our I’m a Child of Appalachia Network or explore ways to give through a fund at the Foundation.

Already a donor with a fund at FAO?
Then log in to Donor Central. Through the site, you will have a secure way to see who you’ve granted to in the past, find new organizations to support, and use your funds to create opportunities through philanthropy.
If you’d like to learn more about Donor Central, please call 740.753.1111.

Are you interested in making a planned gift to FAO?
Visit FAO’s new planned giving website to learn more about planned giving. Through the site, you will have a resource to explore different planned giving vehicles, learn about planned gifts others have made to FAO and the region, and even explore your own planned giving plan.
If you’d like to learn more about planned giving at FAO, please call Tracy Mann at 740.753.1111.

If you would like to receive FAO’s complete Gift Acceptance Policies, please contact our office at 740-753-1111.

We are fortunate to have the support of businesses who have joined our I’m a Child of Appalachia Network.

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