Cambridge Alumni and Friends Educational Fund
2023 Awards
Cambridge Middle School
Jodi Neff, Kasey Wharton, Kellie Spratt, Christine Clagett, Wilds Field Trip
Cambridge Intermediate
Michelle Johnston, Cubelets – STEM
Cambridge High School
Brenda Hoylman, Field Trip to Columbus Zoo and Aquarium
Alisha Speer, Ohio Model United Nations Conference
Cammie Bunting, CHS French Club Field Trip
2022 Awards
Cambridge Middle School
Neff, Spratt, Clagett, Wharton Let’s Go Wild
Cambridge High School
Joellen Perkins, Independent Reading
Alisha Speer, Cambridge High School OMUN Travel Fund
2020 Awards
Cambridge City Schools
Tracy Owens, Handwriting Skills
Cambridge Primary
Kayela Roberson, Active Learning
Cambridge Intermediate School
Jennifer Eubanks, Phonics Fun
Sheryl Taylor, Jump Rope for Cardio Fitness
Cambridge Middle School
Jennifer Bates, STEM Materials
Neff, Dettra, Gibson, Wharton, & Spratt, Let’s Go Wilde
2019 Awards
Cambridge Pre-School
Jessica Roe, We Want STEM
Cambridge Primary
Nicole Tolbert, STEM & Sensory Experience
Michelle Johnston, Computer Lab Headphones
Cambridge Middle School
Jennifer Bates, STEM Materials
Jodi Neff, Let’s Go Wilde
2018 Awards
Cambridge Intermediate School
Sheryl Taylor, Prowl Club
Lynne Eichel, Library Upgrade
Cambridge Middle School
Kody Skinner, Greenhouse
Jarod Levi Birch, Name that Rock
Jodi Neff & Christine Dettra, Let’s Go Wilde
Cambridge High School
Alisha Speer, CHS Ohio Model United Nations (OMUN) State Conference
2017 Awards
South Elementary School
Sara Sawdey, Ready Readers
Cambridge Middle School
Michelle Johnson, Document Camera
Kody Sinner, Greenhouse & Outdoor Education
Tamara Gibson & Team, The Wilds
2016 Awards
Cambridge Middle School
Jarod Birch, Elmer’s Glue Bridge Challenge
Robyn Morrow, Computer Lab
Cambridge High School
Jana McConkey, CHS Youth Adult Literature Project
2015 Awards
South Elementary School
Julie Starr, Library Materials
Cambridge Elementary Schools
Chris Cowgill & Robyn Kyser, Literacy Speaks
Cambridge High School
Ricky Harvey & Michele Haverfield, School Instrument Repair
2014 Awards
Central Elementary School
Susan Sneddon, Smart Response Interactive Systems
North Elementary School
Sheryl Taylor, Rhythm and Blues
Cambridge Middle School
Michelle Johnson, iPads for Language Arts Class
Cambridge High School
Joellen Perkins, Developmental Reading Class
Alisha Speer, Ohio Model United Nations
2013 Awards
South Elementary School
Alisha Colon, Laptops for Learning
Marguerite Younker, Current Books
Cambridge High School
Alisha Speer, Ohio Model United Nations
Central/South High School
Robyn Kyser, iPad for Speech Language Therapy
2012 Awards
South Elementary School
April Costello, Ten Marks Math Program
Cambridge Middle School
Danniele Eubanks, iPads
Johanna Morris, Bullying Prevention Program
Lori Taylor, Painted Ceiling Tiles
North Elementary
Chris Cowgill, Augmentative Alternative Communications
Barb McDonald, Multiple Disability Class
Beth Wojciechowski, SMART Slates
Middle School
Angela Hannon, Ohio Energy Project Scrapbook
South Elementary
Lynne Eichel, Book Bandits
Through partnership with the Foundation for Appalachian Ohio in 2010, the Cambridge Alumni and Friends Educational Fund, provided COSI On Wheels Visits to Cambridge Elementary Schools.
Central Elementary
COSI On Wheels Visit, Investigating Energy Program
North Elementary
COSI On Wheels Visit, What’s Wild Program
South Elementary
COSI On Wheels Visit, Investigating Energy Program
The Cambridge Alumni and Friends Educational Fund provides support to educational programs for the Cambridge City School District. Donations to the fund ensure students and teachers have access to resources for programs and activities that enhance and enrich their educational experience.
If you would like to support and enable the fund to provide projects such as those awarded in 2011, you can Make a Donation to the Cambridge Alumni and Education Fund – be sure to designate your donation for the Cambridge City Schools Alumni and Friends Educational Fund and make note of your graduation year.
Mission Statement
The Cambridge Alumni and Friends Educational Fund is a community based trust established to receive contributions from individuals, families, small groups, organizations and businesses for the purpose of promoting academic excellence and enhancing the educational experience of all Cambridge City School students through classroom enrichment. All donations will be placed into an endowed fund, with only the income from the principle fund used to carry out the mission, without invading the principle.
Classroom enrichment shall include academic and fine arts activities selected by the designated committee of the Cambridge Alumni and Friends Educational Fund trustees. The board of trustees that governs the fund and its policies include Cambridge alumni, community leaders and representatives, and friends of the Cambridge City Schools. All contributions to the fund are tax deductible. As contributions accumulate year after year, the fund will continue to grow and serve Cambridge’s students and educators in future years. The Fund provides a vehicle for alumni, friends and supporters of academic excellence for the Cambridge City Schools to provide a contribution outside of the traditional funding sources to enrich and enhance the educational experience of students in the Cambridge City School District.
Committee Members
Dave Bennett ’78
Dave Caldwell ’81
Bill Cowgill ’75
Tim Evancho ’78
Donna Gander ’55
Tom Green ’68
Rick Lilienthal ’72
Kathy Milligan ’75
Debbie Mosser ‘76
John Mark Nicholson ‘71
Dee Schick ’63
Ed Wright ‘80
Maribeth Wright ‘76
Encouraging Education in Our Community Through Giving
Ways to Give:
C – Cash, Securities, Real Estate or other Properties
A – Annuities, Bequests, Life Insurance, Charitable Remainder Trusts
T – Time Generated Donation in Increments
S – Sustaining the Memory of a Deceased Friend, Relative/Educator, or in Honor of a Living Person or Institution
Levels of Giving
Alumni/Friends | $25-$249 |
Contributing-Family | $250-$999 |
Contributing-Single | $250-$999 |
Donor | $1,000-4,999 |
Sustaining | $5,000-9,999 |
Patron | $10,000-24,999 |
Benefactor | $25,000 + |
Methods of Payment
Checks may be made payable to the Cambridge Alumni and Friends Educational Fund and sent to P.O. Box 4, Cambridge, Ohio 43725.
For information about donating securities or planned giving, please call the FAO office at (740) 753-1111.
For additional information about the fund, please call Dave Bennett at (740) 439-2719, Maribeth Wright at (740) 432-2691 or e-mail Dee Schick at
The Cambridge Alumni/Friends Educational Fund is part of Guernsey County Foundation’s Family of Funds, a component fund of the Foundation for Appalachian Ohio, a 501(c) (3) public charity. Donations are tax deductible to the full extent allowable by law.
Ms. Kathy Alten
Mr. Kevin W. Alten
Mr. & Mrs. Mark W. Ayers
Ms. Elizabeth Ball
Mr. Steven L. Ball
Ms. Lois Beatenhead Porter
Mr. & Mrs. William & Kathleen Bennett
Mr. & Mrs. A. Steven & Connie Bernard
Mr. Larry Brill
Bundy-Law Funeral Home, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Keith & Patricia Caldwell
Mr. & Mrs. Larry & Carol Caldwell
Cambridge High School Class of 1963
Ms. Patty Conaway Igoe
Ms. Lucy Cunningham
Ms. Linda Dery
Ms. Molly Burton Doyle
Ms. Karen N. Dunn
Mr. Larry Dupler
Mr. & Mrs. Richard & Kathy Eubanks
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy & Doree Evancho
Ms. Jacqueline Evangelista
Ms. Judith E. Frame
Ms. Donna Gander
Mr. Charles R. Gaskill
Ms. Luetta Goggin
Ms. Mary L. Griffin
Ms. Mary P. Igoe
Mr. John Imes
Mr. Martin L. King
Mr. & Mrs. John & Marta Knight
Mr. Geary H. Larrick
Mr. & Mrs. Jack and Robbie W. Lyttle
Milligan Construction
Mr. James A. Mitchell, DDS
Mr. & Mrs. Tim & Debra J. Mosser
Mr. Richard L. Murgatroyd
Mr. Blaine G. Neilley
Ms. Colleen M. Oess
Ms. Kimberly A. Orr
Ms. Penny Parnell
Mr. Jerry Poland
Mr. Daniel M. Porter
Mr. William C. Riffle
Ms. Kay Ritter
Mr. Marcus S. Shore
Mr. Larry T. Simmons
Ms. Sally C. Slattery
State Farm Insurance
Mr. & Mrs. Richard & Martha Stewart
Ms. Sharon L. Walker
Mr. & Mrs. Michael & Carolyn Watson
Contributing – Family
Mr. & Mrs. Jim and Janinne Bock
Mr. & Mrs. Dave and Brenda Caldwell
Mr. & Mrs. Dale & Kelly Milligan
The Ritz Family
Dr. Michael D. Sarap and Family
Mr. & Mrs. Steve & Kelly Theodosopoulos
The Wright Family
Contributing – Single
Ms. Polly Ahrendts
Ms. Kay Callihan
Cambridge Family Eyecare, Inc.
Cambridge High School Class of 1966
Cambridge High School Class of 1976
Cambridge High School Class of 1979
Ms. Jean Engelhard
Mr. Tom Green
Ms. Sheri L. Hartley
Mr. & Mrs. Charles & Lynne Jones
Col. Mary Lou Messerschmidt Ret.
Milligan Rentals
D.C. & D.D. Schick
Mr. Arthur E. Shephard, CLU
Mr. Thomas B. Swan
Mr. David B. Bennett
Colgate-Palmolive Co.
Ms. Rose A. Davis
EQT Corporation
Dr. & Mr. Barbara & Drew Hansen
Mr. Martin V. Hughes
Dean Nicolozakes Family
North Elementary PTAG
Rea Foundation Inc.
Ms. Patricia Rutledge
Ms. Maribeth Wright
We are grateful to all donors who have given generously to support educational programming in the Cambridge City School District through our fund. This list is being updated, so check back soon to see the names of additional supporters.