Pirate Alumni, Family, and Friends Support Diverse and Innovative Education Opportunities in Wheelersburg

The Wheelersburg Schools Alumni & Friends Fund will create increased educational opportunities for the proud Pirates of the Wheelersburg Local School District.
Wheelersburg, OH – Innovative, diverse, and high-quality learning opportunities for the students of Wheelersburg Schools: that’s the mission of the newly-founded Wheelersburg Schools Alumni & Friends Fund.
Partnering with the Foundation for Appalachian Ohio for its professional expertise, the Fund is designed to benefit the students and faculty in the Wheelersburg Local School District by providing opportunities for new and enhanced educational programs, including extracurricular activities.
“For a long time, it has been a vision of the Wheelersburg Board of Education to establish an endowment fund to support our students and faculty,” said Mark Knapp, superintendent of the Wheelersburg Local School District. “We are so excited that our vision is now reality, with our resources already growing in order to provide new opportunities for the students of today and tomorrow.”
An Advisory Committee of nine members will guide the Wheelersburg Schools Alumni & Friends Fund. The members include: Matthew W. McFarland; Jennifer Miller; Dr. Jacqueline Nolan; Dr. Amy Heim; Monica Glockner; Dr. Jeremy Depugh; Scott Jolly; George Grice; and Mark Knapp.
Over the next few months, the advisory committee will begin promoting the Fund and soliciting financial support from the school district’s alumni and friends to ensure that all young people in Wheelersburg have access to high-quality education through the fund’s grantmaking initiatives.
The committee will also work to host a special charity event in March 2019, which will raise awareness about the fund, honor the special place that the Wheelersburg Local School District has in the hearts of its alumni and friends, and inspire those alumni and friends to help the Fund fulfill its mission of ensuring that all young people in Wheelersburg have access to high-quality education. More information about the event will soon be available at www.AppalachianOhio.org/Wheelersburg.
Gifts to the Wheelersburg Schools Alumni & Friends Fund are tax deductible and can be made in many ways, including cash, bequests, and life insurance. Donations can be made online at www.AppalachianOhio.org by designating the Wheelersburg Schools Alumni & Friends Fund when donating. To mail your donation, please designate the Wheelersburg Schools Alumni & Friends Fund and mail the Foundation for Appalachian Ohio, PO Box 456, Nelsonville, OH 45764.
To learn more about the Wheelersburg Schools Alumni & Friends Fund, how you can support future grantmaking in the Wheelersburg Local School District, or even how you can support your own local school district through a school endowment fund, please visit www.AppalachianOhio.org or call the Foundation for Appalachian Ohio at 740.753.1111.
About the Foundation for Appalachian Ohio
The Foundation for Appalachian Ohio (FAO) is a regional community foundation serving the 32 counties of Appalachian Ohio. A 501(c)(3) public charity, the Foundation creates opportunities for Appalachian Ohio’s citizens and communities by inspiring and supporting philanthropy. For more information about FAO, visit www.AppalachianOhio.org.