The Foundation for Appalachian Ohio serves as the hub for a community of givers – connecting the generosity of donors with the transformational work of doers across our 32-county region.
With a common goal of ensuring that everyone in Appalachian Ohio can flourish, we partner with donors and doers to invest in three program areas that provide funding to local community builders, nonprofit and public organizations, and students.
Uplifting the work, visions and commitments of community builders
Our fellowship program provides support to community builders with a goal of growing their impact from one local community to many. By investing in community builders, we are investing in the long-term well-being of our communities.
Connecting donors to the transformational work of doers
Thanks to donor support, we award competitive grants throughout the year and across the region. These investments advance opportunities in our five Pillars of Prosperity funding areas: arts and culture, community and economic development, education, environmental stewardship, and health and human services.
Empowering the future success of our young people and communities
Two of the most impactful things we can do are encourage our region’s young people to believe in their potential and empower them to succeed. Providing our young people with access to postsecondary education is an investment in the next generation of Appalachian Ohio’s workforce, leaders and changemakers.