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News & Happenings

Southeast Ohio Regional STEM Conference

Southeast Ohio Moving Ahead with Ohio’s STEM Initiative

On Monday, April 19 the Foundation for Appalachian Ohio, Ohio Appalachian Center for Higher Education (OACHE) and the Southeastern Ohio Center for Excellence in Math and Science (SEO CEMS) co-hosted a meeting for regional organizations who had submitted letters of intent for a Category B STEM Planning Grant from the State of Ohio, including interested school districts and partners. The objective of the meeting was to evaluate how we might all move ahead in collaboration with one another to best serve the region, and its students, in accessing opportunities within STEM education.

Should the planning grant be awarded, resources will provide the opportunity to craft a plan for how southeast Ohio can collectively move forward in enhancing STEM education for our students and professional development of our teachers. Additionally, the planning grant will forge partnerships among PreK-12, higher-education, business, and the community to ensure as our students’ knowledge in STEM grows, so do the opportunities for employment and improved quality of life in the region. The process will be inclusive of all interested schools and we hope, when the time comes, you will join us.


Brenda Haas, OACHE
Cara Dingus Brook, Foundation for Appalachian Ohio


In a series of regional Ohio STEM Conferences throughout the state, the Southeast region will be holding its conference to celebrate its work in STEM, hear from the region’s students and share exciting announcements about enhancing STEM education on May 21. Please join us by registering at!


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