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Lee Beckett

Mrs. Lee Beckett’s first teaching position was at the then-York High School. In honor of 43-year teaching career, this scholarship fund helps ensure that Nelsonville-York students have the opportunity to continue their education.

Throughout her teaching career, Mrs. Beckett went above and beyond to support the success of her students. Whether assisting with scholarship applications or helping secure part-time jobs, her mentorship enabled students to realize their goals. And her encouragement and support helped countless students believe in their ability to succeed.

Eligibility Requirements and Criteria
  • Be a graduating senior of Nelsonville-York High School
  • Plan to pursue a postsecondary education, either full- or part-time, at an accredited vocational or technical training program, community college, college or university
  • Have at least a 2.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale
  • Submit a personal essay demonstrating balance in life activity and community engagement (academics, extracurricular activities, employment and volunteer service)

Awards will be made to one male and one female student.

Scholarship recipients must agree to participate in 10 hours of community service – five  hours per semester or 2.5 hours per quarter – during the academic year of the scholarship award. Recipients must also submit interim reports detailing volunteer work and postsecondary studies.


Application Period

Applications are accepted annually in January and February.