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Congratulations on your grant!

It’s time to share your story. With news of grant funding, now is a great time to tell others about the impact your project and organization are having on your community and Appalachian Ohio.

Sharing your story
Ways to promote your project’s grant award
  • Issue a press release announcing your grant.
  • Feature news about the grant award in newsletters, eblasts, donor updates and on your website. For best results, include a compelling photo of the project or the people you are serving.
  • Highlight the grant and your work on social media. And when you do, don’t forget to tag FAO and, if applicable, our affiliate foundation partners!
How to reference the grant

Because your grant is made possible by generous donors, you should clearly indicate the source of support in promotional materials. This recognition raises awareness about the impact of charitable giving and encourages others who might want to provide future support.

You can include information about funding support in press releases, flyers, programs, posters, social media posts and similar materials. Sample language:

  • This project was supported by a grant from the Foundation for Appalachian Ohio.
  • This project was supported by a grant from the [COMMUNITY FUND NAME], an affiliate foundation partner of the Foundation for Appalachian Ohio.
  • This project was supported by a grant from the [FUND NAME] through the Foundation for Appalachian Ohio.

If you need a description of FAO, please use our boilerplate language:

About the Foundation for Appalachian Ohio

The Foundation for Appalachian Ohio is a regional community foundation serving the 32 counties of Appalachian Ohio. A 501(c)(3) public charity, the Foundation’s mission is to unleash the collective potential within Appalachian Ohio by encouraging and supporting philanthropy. For more information, visit and follow FAO on Facebook and Instagram.

Using FAO’s logo

If you would like to use our logo to show grant support to your organization or project, please contact Linda Knopp, director of communications and marketing, at or 740.753.1111.

Please provide details on how you plan to use the logo, so we can provide you a file format that will best suit your needs. Please do not copy logos or other graphics from our website.

If you plan to use the logo on a website, please include a link to FAO’s website or the appropriate affiliate or fund.

Help us tell your story

Sharing the news of your good work helps us communicate the impact of charitable giving on the people and communities of Appalachian Ohio. We often feature stories of our grantees in marketing materials, including newsletters, annual reports, websites and social media.

If you have a story and/or photos(s) you would like to share or links to media coverage that mention your grant, please share with Linda Knopp, director of communications and marketing, at or 740.753.1111. Please be sure you have a signed release before sharing photos of individuals (particularly youth under age 18), classrooms or private events.