Inaugural Meetings Held for Harrison County Community and Educational Funds
The Harrison County Community Foundation Fund andHarrison Hills City School District Fund held their inaugural meetings on April18 at the Puskarich Public Library in Cadiz. Founded in December 2011, thefunds were created to serve as resources for locally-focused charitable giving whileproviding permanent resources to benefit all of Harrison County and theHarrison Hills City School District, respectively.
Communityfund committee members met regarding the Harrison County Community FoundationFund, created to provide grants to advance charitable projects of benefit toHarrison County residents while also establishing a collective resource for allthose looking to support Harrison County’s current and future opportunitiesthrough charitable giving. The Community fund committee comprises Amy Clelland,Dirk Harkins, Lori Milleson, Dr. Scott Pendelton, Bob Positano, Matt Puskarich,and John Tabacchi.
Meanwhile, educational fund committee members beganwork on the Harrison Hills City School District Fund, founded to supporteducational activities of the Harrison Hills City School District. This fundwill serve as a permanent vehicle for alumni, friends, and supporters of academicexcellence to provide contributions outside traditional funding sources toensure permanent resources for programs and activities that enhance and enrichthe educational experience of students and teachers. Educational fund committeemembers include Todd Dunlap, Joyce Lannum, Kris Puskarich, Mike Sliva, andSandi Thompson.
Established as permanent funds at the Foundation forAppalachian Ohio, a regional community foundation serving to enrich the currentand future quality of life in the 32 counties of Appalachian Ohio and to growcommunity philanthropy, the funds are designed to address changing needs andopportunities now and in the future. Because the funds are endowed, theprincipal investment will never be spent and grants will be made from the funds’interest and earnings.
Fullytax-deductible contributions can be made in a variety of ways, includingoutright gifts of cash or long-term appreciated securities; memorial gifts ofcash or assets in memory or in honor of someone special; and deferred giftsthrough bequests, life insurance, and charitable remainder trusts. Donationsfor the Harrison County Community Foundation Fund or the Harrison Hills CitySchool District Fund can be sent to PNC Bank Attn: Mike Sliva, 235 South Main Street,Cadiz, Ohio 43907 or to the Foundation for Appalachian Ohio, 36 Public Square –PO Box 456, Nelsonville, Ohio 45764. Donations can also be made online at For additional information, please call FAO at740.753.1111.
About the Foundation for Appalachian Ohio
TheFoundation for Appalachian Ohio is a regional community foundation serving the32 counties of Appalachian Ohio with the mission of enriching the region’scurrent and future quality of life. A 501(c)(3) public charity, the Foundationattracts contributions for programs and endowment, makes grants for charitableand civic purposes, and supports local efforts for positive change. For moreinformation about FAO, visit