Bob Evans and Wayne White Scholarship
Applications accepted from February 15, 2021 through March 15, 2021
The Bob Evans and Wayne F. White Legacy Scholarship was established by family and friends of the two, including Bob’s wife, Jewell Evans (both she and her husband Bob founded the original Wayne White Scholarship) to honor the legacy and commitment these two friends had to the Appalachian Ohio region.
The late Wayne White was Director of the Ohio Appalachian Center for Higher Education (OACHE) and a founding board member of the Foundation for Appalachian Ohio. The late Bob Evans, a nationally-recognized restaurateur and philanthropist, served on the Board of Regents and was instrumental in founding OACHE.
Both passionate about education and champions of the Appalachian Ohio region, White and Evans were committed to ensure finances were not a barrier to the ability of the region’s youth to access post-secondary opportunities. White and Evans touched and inspired many with their enthusiasm, energy and optimism. They worked to change the landscape of education in Appalachian Ohio, fighting for equal funding for rural schools and encouraging youth and adults to pursue higher education.
White, born and raised in Appalachian Ohio, and Evans, who launched the Bob Evans Farm and Restaurants in Appalachian Ohio, believed deeply in the academic ability and potential of the region’s students to succeed, no matter the place or the purpose. The White/Evans Scholarship serves to help all students’ realize they can pursue post-secondary education, regardless of financial situation.
Eligibility Requirements & Criteria
- Those applying must be graduating high school seniors or possess a GED, and currently live and attend school within the 32 counties of Appalachian Ohio.
- Priority to those with significant financial need, and a demonstrated desire to succeed and overcome obstacles, as well as candidates who show outstanding character, academic excellence and extracurricular activities.
- Academic performance is considered, but potential for success through an individual’s commitment, interest, and desire to achieve educational goals will be carefully considered.
Award Amount
Number and amount of awards vary annually, depending on availability of funds. Scholarship awards are made payable directly to the institution of enrollment on the student’s behalf, for all education-related expenses.