John Glenn Astronomy Park Fund
Construction of the John Glenn Astronomy Park in the Hocking Hills is now complete! To plan a visit to the John Glenn Astronomy Park, please visit the Park’s website. For up-to-date information about activities at the Park, please visit its Facebook page.
While fundraising for the construction of the John Glenn Astronomy Park is now complete, gifts can still be made to the John Glenn Astronomy Park Fund to support educational programming at the John Glenn Astronomy Park and Hocking Hills State Park for years to come. Future gifts to the John Glenn Astronomy Park Fund will support the Friends of the Hocking Hills State Park Educational Endowment at FAO to ensure that Appalachian Ohioans and visitors to the region can continue to explore the stars in their backyards for generations to come.
The John Glenn Astronomy Park Fund was created in 2016 to support the Friends of Hocking Hills State Park in constructing and supporting an educational and recreation astronomy center near the Lodge at Old Man’s Cave in Hocking Hills State Park.
Gifts to the John Glenn Astronomy Park Fund are tax deductible and can be made in many ways, including cash, bequests, and life insurance. Donations can be made online by designating the John Glenn Astronomy Park Fund when donating. To mail your donation, please designate the John Glenn Astronomy Park Fund and mail to PO Box 456, Nelsonville, OH 45764.
The John Glenn Astronomy Park is a project of the Friends of Hocking Hills State Park to ensure visitors to the Hocking Hills State Park can experience the night sky through a large telescope and with their eyes and take advantage of one of the few areas left in the state of Ohio where the night sky can be seen in its near pristine state.