Foundation for Appalachian Ohio Opens 2015 AEP Access to Environmental Education Mini-Grant Application
Educators and Nonprofits Invited to Apply to
AEP Access to Environmental Education Fund
Nelsonville, OH – The Foundation for Appalachian Ohio (FAO) invites educators and 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations alike to apply for the 2015 AEP Access to Environmental Education Mini-Grant program. Projects encouraging youth participation in learning experiences linked to local natural resources and sharing the lessons learned with their communities are eligible for funding. Eligibility extends to educators and nonprofit organizations throughout the 32 counties of Appalachian Ohio.
Mini-grants are available through the Foundation’s AEP Access to Environmental Education Fund, a fund established to create a permanent source of support for environmental education. Applications are now being accepted from public schools and community organizations for projects focused on environmental education for youth.
Approximately $26,000 in funding is available for awards ranging from $500 to $1,500. The application opens on Friday, October 9, 2015 and all applications must be submitted by Friday, November 6, 2015. The Foundation’s Grants Committee will review eligible applications and make funding recommendations.
“The AEP Access to Environmental Education mini-grants program provides opportunities for our region’s youth to engage with the environment and their communities,” said Cara Dingus Brook, FAO president and CEO. “FAO and AEP share a commitment to educating our region’s citizens about their environment and protecting and preserving Appalachian Ohio’s natural resources for future generations.
Learn more about the AEP Access to Environmental Education Fund and get your answers to Frequently Asked Questions.