Appalachian Women’s Health Fund Opens at FAO
New Fund Aims to Improve Healthcare of Women in the Region
Athens, OH– We know the philanthropy gap that exists in Appalachian Ohio reverberates through other parts of our citizens’ lives – that includes healthcare too. In Appalachian Ohio, the percentage of primary care physicians is 25% lower than the national average, and 30% lower than the average in the rest of Ohio. In addition to fewer providers, Appalachian Ohio also has the largest uninsured population in the state, putting Appalachian Ohioans’ physical health at risk, as well as their financial health if and when unexpected healthcare expenses occur. These challenges are felt that much more acutely by women, often the backbone of families and communities, especially in Appalachian Ohio.
The health needs of Appalachian Ohio’s women are great, and that’s why the Appalachian Women’s Health Fund was created. This new fund partnered with the Foundation for Appalachian Ohio (FAO) to focus on serving women’s health in Athens as well as surrounding areas.
“Women play a vital role in our society, especially in Appalachian Ohio – the success of our families and our region depends on keeping women healthy,” says Lynn Lovdal, fund representative for the Appalachian Women’s Health Fund. “Emphasizing women’s health supports strong families, close communities, and a successful workforce. That’s why it’s so vital to make sure women in our region have access to quality healthcare.”
Initially, the Appalachian Women’s Health Fund will support the work of Planned Parenthood’s Athens Health Center. Based in Athens and serving 23 Appalachian Ohio counties, the clinic serves women across the region who need access to affordable healthcare. As the Fund continues to grow, it will support other nonprofits, programs, and initiatives focused on connecting women with care.
Through the Appalachian Women’s Health Fund, the gifts to the Fund will be invested for long-term growth so its mission will be supported for years to come. Gifts to the Fund are tax deductible and can be made in many ways, including cash, bequests, and life insurance. Donations can be made online by designating the Appalachian Women’s Health Fund. To mail your donation, please designate the Appalachian Women’s Health Fund and mail to PO Box 456, Nelsonville, Ohio 45764. Gifts made today will become the grants of tomorrow to support women’s health in Appalachian Ohio for generations to come.
To learn more about the Appalachian Women’s Health Fund and how you can support grantmaking and investments in your local community, please visit or call the Foundation for Appalachian Ohio at 740.753.1111.
About the Foundation for Appalachian Ohio
The Foundation for Appalachian Ohio (FAO) is a regional community foundation serving the 32 counties of Appalachian Ohio. A 501(c)(3) public charity, the Foundation creates opportunities for Appalachian Ohio’s citizens and communities by inspiring and supporting philanthropy. For more information about FAO, visit