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Give in ways that are meaningful to you and our communities.

At the Foundation for Appalachian Ohio, we bring the power of organized philanthropy and collective giving to Appalachian Ohio.

Here, you can work with our team and your advisors to set up a legacy gift, giving you and your family the peace of mind in knowing your passions and priorities will be supported for years to come. You can create funds to support the communities and causes closet to your heart, knowing that we will steward your gifts with expertise and experience. Or you can join our community of givers, whose gifts we bring together to improve health, create educational opportunities, advance economic development and environmental stewardship, and provide access to arts and cultural experiences throughout Appalachian Ohio.

Gifts to FAO are tax-deductible and can be made in a variety of ways. Gifts of all sizes and kinds – cash, stock, real estate, royalties and qualified charitable distributions from IRAs – make a difference in ways that can be seen today and will be felt for generations.


Make a difference today

Support the people, places and future of Appalachian Ohio

Every gift helps our people and communities flourish.

Give Online Today

Create a fund

700 funds – all for a Flourishing Appalachian Ohio

We are honored to partner with individuals, organizations and businesses who have generously given to create 700 charitable funds that benefit the people and communities of Appalachian Ohio, including:

  • Endowments to support specific charitable organizations and programs
  • Scholarships to provide educational opportunities to our young people
  • Field of interest funds to support specific charitable purposes
  • School funds to support academic and educational opportunities for the current and future students in a school district
  • Donor-advised funds for family and corporate giving

Provide long-time support for the causes and communities closest to your heart by establishing a fund through FAO.

Email or call 740.753.1111 to learn more.

Leave a legacy

Support a Flourishing Appalachian Ohio for generations to come

Create a planned gift in support of the people and communities of Appalachian Ohio through a will, trust, or retirement or insurance beneficiary – and ensure that the causes closest to your heart continue to receive your support beyond your lifetime.

Questions about the best way to give in support of a Flourishing Appalachian Ohio?

Contact us today