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Name Pillar Give Link Details Link
Broken Timbers Outdoor Education Center Endowment Environmental Stewardship Give Now
Dalton Ludwig Memorial Fund for Monroe County Arts & Culture, Community & Economic Development, Education, Environmental Stewardship, Health & Human Services Give Now
Davey L. and Sandra Jackson Turner Scholarship Fund Education Give Now
Gregory S. Baker Scholarship Fund Education Give Now
Gulfport Energy Fund Education, Environmental Stewardship, Health & Human Services
Hoops for Heart VFD Fund Health & Human Services Give Now
Hoops for the Heart VFD Scholarship - Give Now
Jeff and Jane Schumacher Cox Fund - Give Now
Jeff and Jane Schumacher Cox Scholarship Fund Education Give Now
Jennifer Garrison Public Service Scholarship Fund Education Give Now
John and Lois Baker Education and Economic Development Fund Community & Economic Development, Education Give Now
John Ogden Monroe County Historic Preservation Fund - Give Now
Kevin F. Arnold Memorial Fund Education Give Now
Kiwanis Coats for Kids Fund Health & Human Services Give Now
Lewisville & Community Volunteer Fire Department Fund Health & Human Services Give Now
Lois J. Baker Memorial Fund Arts & Culture, Community & Economic Development, Education, Environmental Stewardship, Health & Human Services Give Now
Long Ridge Energy Fund for Monroe County Arts & Culture, Community & Economic Development, Education, Environmental Stewardship, Health & Human Services Give Now
Low Gap Cemetery Endowment - Give Now
Mick and Ashley Schumacher Fund for Monroe County Arts & Culture, Community & Economic Development, Education, Environmental Stewardship, Health & Human Services Give Now
Monroe Arts Council Endowment Fund Arts & Culture Give Now
Monroe County 4-H Endowment - Give Now
Monroe County Community Foundation - Give Now
Oaklawn Cemetery Endowment - Give Now
Pleasant Ridge Cemetery Endowment - Give Now
River High School Alumni & Friends Endowment Fund Education Give Now
Stafford Cemetery Endowment Fund Community & Economic Development Give Now
Supporting Student Success Fund - Give Now
The Greenbrier Cemetery Endowment - Give Now
The Statoil Monroe County Energy Fund -
Tim Ross Legacy Fund - Give Now
United Way of Guernsey, Monroe, and Noble Endowment Fund Health & Human Services Give Now
Weber Family Fund - Give Now
Weber Family Scholarship Fund Education Give Now
Woodsfield Kiwanis Club Pioneer Cemetery Endowment - Give Now