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Nearly $25,000 awarded to support projects, programs benefiting Monroe County

WOODSFIELD, Ohio – The Monroe County Community Foundation (MCCF), in partnership with the Foundation for Appalachian Ohio (FAO), has awarded seven grants, totaling $24,590, to support projects and programs benefiting the county’s residents and communities.

“These grants embody our ‘give where you live’ motto,” said Nikki Baker-Lude, MCCF committee member. “They are possible only because of those who give financially to support our work and those who give their time and talent to make a difference in our communities.”

Nonprofits, schools and public organizations serving Monroe County were invited to apply for grants to advance opportunities across five areas essential to flourishing communities: arts and culture, community and economic development, education, environmental stewardship, and health and human services. Emphasis is on supporting individuals of all ages who are spearheading projects and programs that create opportunities, meet pressing needs and unleash the collective potential within Monroe County.

Grants were awarded to:

  • Beallsville Volunteer and Community Fire Department to purchase equipment that will allow firefighters to safely check for electrical currents on power lines when responding to structure fires and other emergencies
  • Lewisville Community Center to purchase a new sound system, supported by the Baker Education and Economic Development Fund
  • Monroe County EMA received two grants: (1) to provide house number signs for Monroe County homes to help guide emergency responders and (2) to assist with tornado relief (funding was awarded earlier this year)
  • River Elementary School PTO to assist with removing the school’s playground fence and replacing it with a taller fence
  • Tri-County Help Center to fund supplies and outings for the Safe Spaces youth support group and to support education and outreach efforts for Monroe County youth
  • Woodsfield Kiwanis Club to support its Coats for Kids project, which provides clothing-only gift cards to purchase coats, hats, boots, gloves and scarves for K-8 students in the Switzerland of Ohio Local School District

MCCF, one of FAO’s 15 affiliate foundation partners, was established in 2014 to develop and grow permanent charitable resources that provide continuous investment in Monroe County and its nonprofits, schools and communities.

To learn more about MCCF and how to support its work, email or call 740.753.1111.