Grantee Information
Help us tell your story…
The Foundation for Appalachian Ohio is always interested in sharing the stories of our grantees. Sharing the news of your good work and the support a grant provides to it helps FAO communicate the importance of supporting projects, like yours, with our donors. We often feature stories of our grantees in our marketing materials, including newsletters, annual report, website, and social media. If you would like to share your story, please contact Kelly Morman, Stewardship Associate, at the Foundation – 740.753.1111.
And we love photos! Please send any and all along to us. Please be certain that when providing photos of students, classrooms, or private events that you secure a signed photo release.
If you have questions or would like to share your photos, please contact Kelly Morman, Stewardship Associate, at 740.753.1111.
Share your story…
The following materials are intended for your use as a Foundation for Appalachian Ohio grantee and will help you spread the word about your grant, your program, and the good work you are doing. We’ve created these press kits to help our grantees share news about the grant and their work. The full press kit guidelines can be downloaded for easy reference here.
Sample Press Release and Newsletter Article
Press releases are a great way to share news about the grant with your community. You may want to email a press release announcing the grant and your upcoming work to local media contacts. Download the Sample Press Release below as your template and tailor from there. Send your release to your local media outlets. We’ve identified media contacts in each county; you may know of others. Please contact us with any questions about how to connect with the media in your area. You can also feature the grant award in newsletters, eblasts, donor update letters, and on your website. Include a compelling photo of the project or the people you are serving. Download the Sample Newsletter Article below as a guideline.
Social Media: Let’s Share the News!
We’d love to help publicize your work by highlighting it on Facebook. If your organization uses Facebook, let us know by liking us on Facebook. Tag us in your post about your work, and we will do our best to mention your work as well and help extend your post’s reach.
If your organization does not use social media, now is a great time to consider jumping on board and sharing news with your network!