Antrim Community Cemetery Association Endowment Fund
The creation of the Antrim Community Cemetery Association Endowment Fund,
a member of the Guernsey County Foundation’s Family of Funds, will ensure that the cemetery is cared for in perpetuity and that these grounds will continue to share its story and rich history for generations to come.
Gifts to the Fund will support the maintenance, preservation, and enhancement of the grounds in perpetuity, while also increasing knowledge about the cemetery.
The Antrim Community Cemetery was first established in 1847 as the Antrim Methodist Episcopal Cemetery and was maintained by the Antrim Methodist Church until 1967 when the Antrim Community Cemetery Association was created to care for it. The Association is dedicated to providing grounds for interments that show dignity and reverence for the people of the community.
The Antrim Community Cemetery illustrates a rich history of patriotism on its grounds.
A number of veterans are entombed in the cemetery, including those who served in the War of 1812 and the Civil War. Ezekiel Shipley, who served during the War of 1812 in the Guernsey Militia, found his final resting place in the Antrim Community Cemetery. Veterans of the Civil War are represented by bronze markers indicating their service in the Grand Army of the Republic.
The Antrim Community Cemetery Association Endowment Fund was made possible by an individual’s generous donation, with the remainder given by the Antrim Community Cemetery Association to establish the Fund. As the Fund grows it will provide one sixth of the Antrim Community Cemetery’s annual budget. The cemetery is currently maintained through donations and the sale of lots.
Gifts to the Antrim Community Cemetery Association Endowment Fund are tax deductible and can be made in many ways, including cash, bequests, and life insurance. Donations can be made online by designating the Antrim Community Cemetery Association Endowment Fund when donating. Donations designating the Antrim Community Cemetery Association Endowment Fund can also be mailed to PO Box 456, Nelsonville, Ohio 45764, or to Shirley Ford, treasurer of the Antrim Community Cemetery Association, 67913 Batesville Rd., Quaker City, Ohio 43773.