FAO invites proposals for education mini-grants in Appalachian Ohio
The Foundation invitesproposals for initiatives that improveeducational opportunities for families and children in Appalachian Ohio.Eligible projects and programs include, but are not limited to: health,nutrition, physical activities and programs promoting wellness; early-childhood, school-readiness andpre-kindergarten programming; after-school and summer learning programs;classroom enrichment activities; workforce training and development; andcollege access and retention.
Organizations serving one ormore of the 29 counties in Appalachian Ohio are invited to apply. Eligible applicants include schools,not-for-profits and organizations with 501(c)(3) status.
“Access to quality educationalopportunities, beginning in early childhood, continuing through post-secondaryeducation and then lifelong, is essential to the health and well-being offamilies and the future prosperity of Appalachian Ohio,” said
Fostering Access to EducationMini-Grant guidelines and application are now available. For more information or to request a paper copy, contact Laura Risler, Mini-Grant Program Coordinator,at 740-753-1111.
Grant proposals must be postmarked by July21, 2008.