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2015 Jenco Award Recipient – Jodie Hunt

A call to feed hungry kids. jenco02That’s what drove Jodie Hunt of Ironton to become involved with Backpack Buddies, a program that does just that throughout Ironton and Lawrence County.

It was how she answered that call to serve that led her to be recognized with a 2015 Jenco Award from the Jenco Foundation Fund at the Foundation for Appalachian Ohio.

Jodie was recognized for her work as the director of the Backpack Buddies program. A ministry of Campbell Chapel in Ironton, Backpack Buddies is a program that provides weekend meals to students throughout Lawrence County who might otherwise go without food over the weekend. BPBSince Jodie became involved with the program in 2012, Backpack Buddies has expanded to ten schools throughout the county, providing over 250 students with weekend meals. In addition to providing meals on a weekly basis to students, Backpack Buddies also provides an emergency food pantry that families throughout the community can use.

“I am truly honored to be recognized with a Jenco Award,” shared Jodie. “Every day I get to fulfill a calling through my work with Backpack Buddies, providing food to children in our communities who need it most, something that would not be possible without the generous support of many others throughout our communities in Lawrence County.”

mobile pantryEveryday heroes like Jodie show what is possible when they follow a calling in their hearts. To learn more about how can recognize everyday heroes in your community demonstrating visionary leadership in the service of others, please visit the Jenco Foundation webpage